
 ACURIA project aims to identify legal and procedural strategies, blockages and best practices that can be replicated or prevented in different legal and judicial systems, therefore enabling courts to provide a more accurate and fair response.
The project will, therefore, support the improvement of legislation and policies at national and EU levels regarding business failure and insolvency, including issues related to the enforcement of cross-border insolvency rules and of enterprise groups restructuring and insolvency practices.
The research will also intends to strength the research at EU level and promote the cooperation between academia, practitioners and economic players to reinforce mutual learning and knowledge dissemination.

Expected results

  • Expanding knowledge and increasing the awareness of policy makers and law enforcers on restructuring and insolvency procedures
  • Promoting and supporting future effective training programmes

  • Making recommendations for public policies to improve restructuring and insolvency law enforcement
  • Laying the foundations for a future European research network on the restructuring and insolvency law and policies


With the financial support from the European Commission – Directorate-General Justice and Consumers

Justice Programme.Grant Agreement number 723202


Centre for Social Studies


Catarina Frade (project coordinator) (UC/CES)
Conceição Gomes (CES)
Catarina Serra (UMinho)
José Manuel Branco (Public Prosecuter)
Ana Conceição (IPL)
Fernanda Jesus (research fellow)
Rúben Jesus (research fellow)
Paula Fernando (CES)
Carolina Carvalho (CES)
Catarina Trincão (research fellow)
Fátima Sousa (CES)

Maastricht University


Dijck van Gijs (nacional coordinator)
Mieke Olaerts
Ruben Hollemans (research fellow)